Using HTML Style Object Properties with Embedded Tableau Visualizations
I recently presented at the Analytics Summit at the University of Cincinnati Center for Business Analytics. As part of my presentation, I mentioned the human appeal of round edges in design. This can be seen in the design of our smart phones, tablets, furniture and in many architectural elements. This got me thinking about Tableau Public visualizations and how they are styled when they are embedded in web pages. The options for styling the parameters in the Tableau embed code is very limited. However, it is possible to add additional styling to the visualization with the HTML Style Object Properties using CSS or a little bit of Javascript. The viz above loads using a rounded border set in the CSS and the buttons utilize Javascript to make changes to the viz styling on the fly.
Here's the basic setup:
First, when copying and pasting your Tableau Public Embed code, add an "id=tabCon" in the first div tag.