Font Awesome Icons for Tableau

Font Awesome is a great collection of icons that are widely used in web development and other projects. The free version of the Font Awesome Icons is available for anyone to use. Their licensing states (click here to for more details):

"Font Awesome Free is free, open source, and GPL friendly. You can use it for commercial projects, open source projects, or really almost whatever you want."

The Font Awesome Brands has additional licensing information:

"All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer."

I loaded and organized all of the Font Awesome Free Icons into a Tableau workbook. They are organized into three folders of shapes; Solid, Regular and Brands. I have a tab for each of these with a Highlighter feature so that you can search and highlight the icons by name. In addition, I have a list of them from A-Z (click the A-Z button) and you can hover over any icon for the name of the icon. Click the download button to download a zip file of all of these icons as PNG and SVG images. I have also included a CSV file with a list of all of the icons.


Simply download the zip file and extract the 3 folders (Solid, Regular, and Brands) to the Shapes folder in My Tableau Repository. This is typically in the My Documents folder (on a PC). Then click the Reload Shapes button on the Shapes in the Marks Card. It's that easy, and now you have 1,385 new shapes to use for free.

Alternatively, you can download my Tableau workbook and simply copy one of the worksheets and then paste it in the desired workbook. Right-click on any worksheet tab in my Tableau workbook and select Copy. Then in the target workbook (or a new workbook), right-click on any worksheet tab and select Paste. This will copy all of the shapes from my Tableau workbook directly into the target workbook.
Download the Tableau workbook here or download the zip file here.

Below is a Tableau Public Visualization of all of the Font Awesome Free Icons.

I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions feel free to email me at Jeff@DataPlusScience.com

Jeffrey A. Shaffer
Follow on Twitter @HighVizAbility