After brief introductions, Steve discussed Jeff's redesign of Florence Nightingale's famous Rose diagram from the first episode. Steve presented several other options to show this data, but ultimately came to the conclusion that they weren't as good for a number of reasons. One of the attendees pointed out typo on one of the images of the redesign posted on Jeff's blog. Thank you Rebecca for pointing this out. This has been corrected and an updated image is shown below.
Steve and Jeff then discuss lollipop charts, including Stephen Few's blog post here and the numerous comments from the community. Steve also discussed someone that challenged a visualization in a recent workshop that he conducted and explored variations of a connected dot plot, a slopegraph and many others.
Steve talked about meeting Joey Cherdarchuk from Dark Horse Analytics at the recent Tapestry conference. Joey is the creator of one of Jeff's favorite animated GIF series "Remove to Improve". Steve showed Joey's Salvaging the Pie Chart going step by step.
Jeff played a new game with Steve called "Name that Viz Author". Based on the feedback we've heard, it was a big hit. The attendees did a great job guessing along with Steve in the chat window. There was also a lengthy discussion about chart borders, padding and the use of negative space (aka whitespace) in dashboard design.
Below is a list of the visualization that were shown and discussed: